Instructions for authors

The journal Vaccinology aims to be an important source of information for general practitioners, infectologists, immunologists, allergologists, vaccinologists and paediatricians in the field of vaccinology. The journal Vaccinology, as the main journal of the Czech Society of Vaccinology, has been published regularly since 2007 as a quarterly. All published articles undergo a double peer review, with mutual anonymity. The editors accept submissions in Czech, Slovak or English. The title, abstract and keywords of original research papers and review articles must be included at the same time
in English.

The journal accepts the following types of submissions:

  • editorial
  • original scientific works
  • review articles
  • case reports
  • News
  • short communications
  • news, reviews, information (invitations to professional events, congress reports, discussion papers, reviews of domestic and foreign publications, biographies of important personalities, letters to the editor, etc.)
  • immunisation schemes
  • counselling

Essentials of the manuscript:

Please type the paper on a computer using a word processor and submit it electronically, taking note of the following technical reminders:

  • recommended length for review and original papers approx. 20 standard pages;
  • Number references in text, tables or figure captions with Arabic numerals in round brackets;
  • use the SI system of units;
  • use only established abbreviations; do not use abbreviations in the title and abstract, always give the full title (before the first use of the abbreviation in the text).

The title page contains:

  • concise and concise title of the article in both Czech and English;
  • full names and surnames of all authors and their academic degrees, names of departments of individual authors, contact address, telephone, e-mail address of the corresponding author;
  • abstract/summary in Czech and English, maximum 1,800 characters for original papers, 1,000 for review articles and 200 for case reports;
  • keywords in Czech and English, minimum 3, maximum 8;
  • sources of support (grants, equipment, drugs);
  • Acknowledgements (can be placed before the reference list).

Structure of the original thesis/study:

  • Abstract/Summary – includes a summary of the content of the article in a concise form. Important information from the article is required. The structure of the abstract of the original thesis follows the structure of the whole thesis, i.e. it contains the chapters “Introduction, Method and Material, Results and Discussion”
  • Keywords – or short phrases that allow documenting the work in terms of its content; it is recommended to use the entries listed in Index Medicus
  • Introduction – brief reason for the article, outlining the issue
  • Material and method – description of the population, description of the hypothesis and the study procedure, including the evaluation procedure
  • Results – obtained data and their evaluation, own processing
  • Discussion – brief confrontation with similar studies and work in the last two or more years, evaluation of the effect of the study
  • Conclusion – generalisation of results
  • References – cited according to the instructions for authors

Structure of the review article:

  • Abstract/Summary – brief summary of the content of the paper
  • Keywords – or short phrases that allow documenting the work in terms of its content; it is recommended to use the entries listed in Index Medicus
  • Introduction – brief reason for the article, outlining the issue
  • Evaluation of the issue – brief basic ideas of the message, author’s own approach, basic characteristics
  • Conclusion – reason for the communication
  • References – cited according to the instructions for authors

Structure of the case report:

  • Abstract/Summary – brief summary of the content of the paper
  • Keywords – or short phrases that allow documenting the work in terms of its content; it is recommended to use the entries listed in Index Medicus
  • Introduction – brief reason for the article, outlining the issue
  • Description of the case
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • References – cited according to the instructions for authors

Pictorial documentation:

It can be sent by e-mail in electronic form:

  • photos or scan to CMYK in the size of the resulting print at a resolution of 300 dpi colour, 600 dpi greyscale, 1200 dpi black and white;
  • charts – original Excel file (or other spreadsheet editor).

Images to accompany articles, both in the article itself (for orientation) and in a separate folder.

  • Images in JPG, BMP, TIFF format, in colour resolution 300 dpi, greyscale 600 dpi, black and white 1200 dpi.
  • Vector images in CMYK.

Identify all visual attachments by the number under which they are included in the text. If the image documentation published elsewhere is reprinted, the original source must be cited and the written consent of the holder of the exclusive right must be provided.
Image documentation cannot be accepted in MS Powerpoint.

Ethical aspects:

A condition for publishing clinical research is that the procedures used comply with the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and have been approved by the relevant ethics committee. The names of patients, their initials or hospital (treatment, registration) numbers are not given, especially on any illustrative material.

Reference list:

  • It must contain only real sources, i.e. publications referred to in the text or works of real significance, works may not be cited for formal reasons only;
  • for references to papers not yet published but accepted for publication, please indicate the title of the journal with the note “in press”;
  • the order of links is consecutive.

Examples of proper citation forms (Vancouver Standard):

  • Journal article: Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med. 2002;347(4):284-7. [if the number of authors is more than 3, please list the first 3 authors and the abbreviation et al.]
  • Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical microbiology. St. Louis: Mosby, 2002.
  • Chapter in a monographic publication: Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. s. 93-113.
  • Article in electronic serial publication:

Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs. 2002;102(6). Available from:

Submitting manuscripts:

  • The cover letter must include a declaration that the article has not been submitted in whole or in part to another journal and the authors’ consent;
  • published articles are the property of the journal. Copies of articles or parts of articles may only be published with the permission of the editors, with acknowledgement of the source;
  • The editorial office reserves the right to suggest to the author to shorten the manuscript, to make corrections (linguistic modifications of the manuscript);
  • please return proofs promptly, late submissions cannot be taken into account.

Manuscripts meeting the above requirements should be sent electronically to:

Review Procedure:

  • is mutually anonymous;
  • the editors will anonymise the text, i.e. removal of data facilitating the identification of authors before the manuscript is submitted for peer review.

The review process:

  • Each text offered for publication in the journal Vaccinology is (except for short communications, news, reviews, reports and some other minor texts) submitted for review by two reviewers, in the case of case reports by one reviewer;
  • the editor-in-chief selects experts in the subject matter of the text to review the paper, and also takes into account that the reviewers are not closely related to the author professionally, institutionally or personally;
  • Reviewers fill in a standardised form to indicate whether they recommend the text for acceptance, revision or rejection. They justify their decision in an opinion, which may also include recommendations for changes to the text.

On the basis of the reviewers’ comments, the editor-in-chief tells the author whether he or she accepts the text, requests revisions, or rejects it. If it asks the author to revise or rejects his/her text, it shall state the reasons. In the event of the author’s disagreement with the editor-in-chief’s opinion, the author may explain his/her reasons in a letter which the editor-in-chief will submit to the editorial board.

Confirmation of acceptance for printing:

Confirmation that an article has been accepted for publication in the journal Vaccinology is provided by the editors only after both reviewers have agreed to the acceptance of the article.